For Sale: 1 Petzl Quickdraw, Size 37 and 37.5 shoes Tenaya and Scarpa, synthetic vest, beat up pack and tent

Just a little spring cleaning. Prices noted below, always open to offers. Shipping negotiable depending on what/how much you want.

Tenaya Ra Size 37.5 and Scarpa Vapor Womens 37.5, Ra is brand new, Vapor is very lightly used

Ra: $100 obo
Vapor: $70 obo

Ra and Vapor

vapor edges

vapor edges

Ra edges

Everything in this picture except the petzl draw is sold.

Slings are SOLD, cinch sold, random draws sold, HEX is SOLD
Petzl Draw: $14

random draws, slings, hex, cinch

Synthetic insulated down vest, never worn, camo, size Large $20
Synthetic vest

Not pictured:

Sierra Designs Electron 3 tent; physically 5/10, window fell out of rainfly, isn't very waterproof anymore. Make an offer.

Mile High Mountaineering Flat Iron Pack; older version with the gear loops up the front of the pack. Used and abused, a few broken buckles and busted seams. Still packs and carrys gear like it should, pics on request. Make an offer.

Half ropes, 60m, not a matched pair. I mainly use them for tag lines, bought used of here a few years ago. No visible or tactile damage that I can find, normal slight fuzzy spots in a few areas. I believe the green one is a edelweiss 8.5 and the blue is a beal 8.6

Half ropes are sold


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