WTB: haul bag, Yates ladders, and copperheads

Looking to pick up a metolius Half dome/El Cap haul bag, however any bag should be fine as long as it's around 70 liters or bigger. Wanting to spend $100 give or take a twenty.

I'm wanting to replace my metolius 8 steps with the Yates big wall ladders. I would prefer the ones with the 2 inch steps but any Yates aiders would be cool. Looking to spend 50-70 bucks.

I need to stock up on #1 copperheads and various sized circleheads. Looking to buy probably ten of each. Also would be nice finding some other aid trinkets like a narrow cam hook, a bathook (talon or logan), any and all pitons, a Yates pinhead and screamers.

One last thing, I need to replace a haul line so if you're trying to get rid of an oldish rope you can send it my way. Looking to spend 50 bucks, but kinda depends on the rope I guess.


