For Sale: Quickdraws, Half Ropes, Hex, Size 37 and 37.5 shoes, synthetic vest, pack, tent

Just a little spring cleaning. Prices noted below, always open to offers. Shipping negotiable depending on what/how much you want.

These draws are in excellent shape, some of them not even used. Long and short Petzl dogbones, BD Hotwire bottom biner and Positron to biner. $10 a pop




Everything in this picture except the petzl draw and hex are sold.

Slings are SOLD, cinch sold, random draws sold
Petzl Draw: $14 hex #7: $5

random draws, slings, hex, cinch

Tenaya Ra Size 37.5 and Scarpa Vapor Womens 37.5, Ra is brand new, Vapor is very lightly used

Half ropes, 60m, not a matched pair. I mainly use them for tag lines, bought used of here a few years ago. No visible or tactile damage that I can find, normal slight fuzzy spots in a few areas. I believe the green one is a edelweiss 8.5 and the blue is a beal 8.6

Half ropes

Ra: $100 obo
Vapor: $70 obo

Ra and Vapor

vapor edges

vapor edges

Ra edges

Synthetic insulated down vest, never worn, camo, size Large $20
Synthetic vest

Not pictured:

Sierra Designs Electron 3 tent; physically 5/10, window fell out of rainfly, isn't very waterproof anymore. Make an offer.

Mile High Mountaineering Flat Iron Pack; older version with the gear loops up the front of the pack. Used and abused, a few broken buckles and busted seams. Still packs and carrys gear like it should, pics on request. Make an offer.


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