BD Ice screw rack for sale- excellent condition!

This will only be sold as a whole set!

Here's the lot:

2 22cm(green) BD express screws (one with a nested v-thread hook)
3 16cm(blue) BD express screws
1 16cm BD turbo screw
1 19cm BD turbo screw
4 13cm(gold)BD express screws
3 10cm(red) BD express screws

4 9 inch long yates screamers
2 BD plasitic harness buckles for racking

All gear is in excellent condition and has been perfectly maintained and never fallen on.

All screws except the 2 BD turbos have thread gaurds and caps

$450 for everything- again, I repeat- I will not piece this out.
Buyer Pays shipping(estimated at $12) and paypal fees$($13.35)

Total is $475.35

Thank you! I will NOT piece it out! Peace out!

