FS MilesGear Uber Bivy

FS MilesGear Uber Bivy weighs 26 oz and has two poles at head end.  Bought this to use ATV camping while scouting for elk, rarely needed it that summer (it was a special tag area, not where I usually hunt).  New now is $200; mine is 2012 and asking $135 (since I can’t remember what I paid) and it is in very excellent condition.  I pay shipping conus.  Email me at .

Comes with 3′ wide piece of Tyvek for groundcloth and stuff sack. This was probably only slept in once, as he (Dave Miles at Milesgear.com) soon came out with the smaller Pico bivy, which I also have for sale on a different ad.  My husband thought he would use this bivy, but it never happened.

