FS 2013 Zpacks Hexamid long custom White cuben/ HMG Ultamid Cuben shelters for TALL hikers

Hi all,

I had this built in May/June this year for a JMT through hike in late July. I ended up taking it out 2 nights before the trip and changed my mind. There were no bugs so I took a Cirraform Tarp and Borah Gear bivy instead. The Hex has been stored since. It is a palace and I was hoping to get a lot of use from it but I just seem to like my tarp. The shelter is identical to a stock unit, it does have the extended beak, however it is made of .51 white cuben rather than olive. There are no holes or damage of any kind and the tent includes twin ground sheet and sewn in net. I dumped the included stuff sack and keep it in the Zpacks Pillow dry sack which i will include. I will ship Con USA for 450.00 pay pal fees included. Please contact me either by PM or email at jeffreytsims AT gmail dot com

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Also on the chopping block HMG Ultamid with a sewn in bug skirt. This thing is Huge!!! In White Cuben. I bought this new and unused here on Gear trade and have spent 1 night in a campground and one night in the Kearsarge lake area. I was thinking that this would be perfect for me and my 8 year old son as mom has finally given us permission to go out next year. She does not approve of no floor (snake concerns) I know, don't even get me started. in the HMG cuben stuff sack to your door Con US 525.00 A picture is worth 1000 words SOLD and headed home!!! Thank you for the demo Anthony!!

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Same contact paths as mentioned above.

