FS Tarptent Sublite Tyvek, SMD Lunar Solo, Big Agnes Seedhouse SL1

Ok, time to pare down the solo tents.

Tarptent Sublite Tyvek - 14 trail days and in good shape. Original tyvek stuff sack tore, so Henry sent me a silnylon replacement (.52 oz). Seam sealed. 18.4 oz OMS. $100

SMD Lunar Solo - This is an older model without bathtub floor. I bought this used and tried it on one overnighter only. Still in great shape. Seam sealed. 29.6 oz OMS. $100

Big Agnes Seedhouse SL1 - Bought brand new a few years back and never used. Set it up in backyard and it was just too small. Thought I'd give BPL a shot with this at a great price. If not, I'll throw it on Ebay. 40 oz. OMS with fly and stuff sack (no stakes or footprint). $150.