FS MYOG Material Sell-off

Unfortunately I won't be completing these MYOG projects anytime soon. My financial needs trump these projects so you get this material at a nice discount.

3.75 yds WX20 Fabric and 1/2 yd X50 (Black) - $50

X21 Black Shoulder Straps, S Curve, 1/2" foam plus 3mm spacer mesh - $40

4 yds black Argon 90 and 7 yds noseeum mesh - $40

ULA Ohm Carbon hoop frame Large Torso size - $15

7075-T6511 Aluminum Stays 1/8" x 1" x 24" - $18

ULA Medium Hipbelt - $25

GG G4 Medium hipbelt - $20
Or everything for $175 total


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