FS: Lots of Pro

Prices include shipping anywhere in the Lower 48. Buyer pays shipping if from other locations. If interested, please send me a PM with an email address so I can send a PayPal request. Gear will ship same day payment is received or next business day.

All of this gear, except as noted, has seen use, but none for more than a year. Some was purchased as recently as this past December.

  • Set of ABC Huevos (stoppers) sizes 5-13. Never used, never even racked. $76 new, $40 shipped.

  • Complete set of Wild Country Rocks, sizes 1-14. These are bomber and place better, in my opinion, than the BD stoppers and have much more range. $150 new, $80 shipped.

  • Wild Country Rockcentrics sizes 5-9. The Dyneema slings are long enough to skip using a draw most of the time. $75 new, $40 shipped.

  • BD C4 Camalots sizes .3, .4, .5. .75. The .3 has never been placed. $260 new, $135 shipped.

  • 3 pink Tricams, nylon. Never used. $72 new, $40 shipped.

  • BD Hexentrics sizes 5-10. $96 new, $50 shipped.

If you take more than one set, I will knock off $5 for each additional set.

Note about the picture: the 2 smallest Rockcentrics, the 4 smallest Hexentrics, and the largest Hexentric are no longer available because I have decided to keep them. However, if you are only interested in a complete set, please send a PM to discuss.

