FS: MLD Duomid (brown silnylon) and BPWD PyraNet 2

Both brand new, never set up. Ordered them both about two months ago, but now I need some extra cash and these must go.

I attached guylines to the four corners of each shelter according to the manufacturer’s instructions, but I never got around to attaching the mid panel or mid baseline guylines on the Duomid. I was planning on setting it up outside to attach the final guylines and seamseal it, but Boston got hammered with snow just before I was able to, and they’ve just been sitting in my closet ever since. I’m including the remaining guyline that came with each, which should be more than enough to finish attaching the rest of the tie outs, along with the tube of SilNet and pole jack that came with the Duomid.

PyraNet in stuff sack: 14.73oz

Duomid in stuff sack: 22.1oz (add an ounce or two for additional guylines and seamsealing)

All together these cost me $375. I’ll sell the Duomid for $200, the Pyranet for $100, or both together for $275 shipped.


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