Mountain Hardwear Alpine light (AL) 28 brand new . $140

Got this Mtn Hardwear pack at a good price and was in love with it but it is too similar to what I have now. This 28 liter bag has every feature you want from a minimalist alpine pack. Dyneema keeps it fully waterproof, light, and super durable. The whole pack is just over 1lb! It also packs into a small pouch inside of the bag if you're traveling with it or using it as a summit bag alone. Im in the Bay Area.      …;dwvar_1830201_variationSize=O%2FS&&mid=paidsearch&eid=Google+PLA+US&nid=1674133143&oid=60430452410&did=&s_kwcid=AL!3937!3!351071027510!!!u!!&gclid=Cj0KCQjwp4j6BRCRARIsAGq4yMGUAyUi-7IjeVuoqscxyG0uHCXF5AeTjcQNuFTxq-XzEGSrIyDzZ8IaApmBEALw_wcB


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